My first blog post! What? I sure did!
I started this for many different reasons but mainly because I actually feel like I've done so much lately that I want to show and explain how I did it. For example some home remodeling tips and some deals on clothing and shoes that I've found and also trips like going to Italy for $500 that included hotel and airfare. I also like to be busy and in this day in age when we're bored we just look at social media. So why not put effort into my own? Putting out your ideas, and your trips to any viewer out there who wants to see it sounded fun and I loved the idea of posting about it in detail. I do have to say that doing this blog will push me doing things I don't like to do.. and that is being detailed in words (I hate writing), and putting effort into something 100% and not giving up. I've always thought of the idea of doing a blog and if you're someone like me then isn't it so easy to tell yourself: "it's going to be so hard to come up with content every week" or "i might be into it for a while but what if I don't feel like doing it anymore" or "what if no one reads it and it's pointless." Well that's ok because those are my thoughts and I'm still doing it! Taking a plunge into the blogging world- Do it with me.
Travel, home remodeling, fashion, happiness, and health posts to come!