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Packing Essentials for a Long Flight/Trip (+ Beauty Routine for Flight)

It's half the battle to plan the trip but then you have to figure out what to bring! The thought of having a 7+ hour flight brings up the anxiety to then figure out what you have to pack for it since you know you're going far away from home. I'm about to get ready to leave for Spain next week so I was inspired to share my tips!

Having half my family in Poland, I've done these flights since I was a baby. The best was when I was small enough that I remember laying across 3 seats sleeping on my dad for hours of it. And now what do you think I crave the most? Laying across seats sleeping. Sadly, it's hard for me to sleep sitting up and I've learned that I mainly only fall asleep if I'm lucky enough to get at least 2 seats to lay across (it's a perk to be 5 feet tall.) Enough about my favorite thing ever, sleeping. Let's get to some good packing tips for the flight!

In Carry On:

2. Snacks

3. Shirt and shorts in your carry on in case of any spills and in case your suitcase gets lost.

4. Extra underwear (trust me girls, you just never know)

5. Zip up with a hood (to cover your eyes and roll yourself up in)

6. Usually long flights give you a pillow and blanket so no need to bring

7. Dremamine (to fall asleep):

8. Socks (it's always cold on flights)


You have so much time to kill so why not do a face routine to rehydrate that face! Here's my routine in order of use. :)

1. Gum (for ears popping)

2. Makeup remover (you want to look GREAT getting on the flight -jk but just in case you don't have time to remove makeup prior the flight) I like lotions because they aren't messy and you can just use cotton balls to take it off. The smaller ones are fine for a carry on. My favorite is the Estee Lauder (I couldn't find the smaller travel size here but I'm sure they have it in stores) Put the lotion on the cotton and wipe your face.

3. Toner (to make sure all makeup is off) I use Clarins Camomile Toner because its alcohol free so it wont dry you out. The ones I linked below are all alcohol free as well. Make sure to use a cotton ball and not a tissue. I learned this from a makeup artist and tissue will rub on your skin too hard. Put the toner on the cotton and wipe your face.

4. Eye Serum (I am still using a Clarins Eye Serum that I got as a gift from a purchase- seems to be working well!) Just dab this under your eyes with your ring finger, it's your most gentle finger.

5. Face Serum (don't forget that neck!) I use Clarins Double Serum and love it. This will be a pricier product for your routine but it lasts a while and good to prevent wrinkles! You can use this every night in your normal routine as well and obviously not just for the plane. I use it morning and night in the wintertime.

6. Face Lotion (I use my Skin Ceuticals night cream which is super hydrating and oil free.) My problem with night cream was always that I woke up with break outs because the cream was too much for my face. This is the first cream that I wake up feeling hydrated and not oily AT ALL! I love it. You can also use your day cream if you want.

7. Hydrating facial mask (use an hour or 2 before you land) I don't have a favorite- I use anything! I try it out before I am flying though to make sure that I don't have to wash off the residue. Usually you don't which is why this is great for a plane trip. You just massage the left over lotion onto your face and neck. It's amazing.

8. WATER!!! I always bring an empty water bottle and fill it up after security. I like being able to close it and open when I want some.

Comfy Plane Wardrobe:

Packing For Warm Location Trips:

I find myself always overpacking for long trips and only wearing a few things. So now I try to pack neutral pieces that match with eachother and that alleviates having to bring too much stuff. Really all you need is one sneaker, one or 2 sandals, one or 2 heels, couple shirts, 1 or 2 jeans, shorts, dresses, and casual clothes. That sounds like not enough but really, when have you ever worn all of your items you packed?! And will you be wearing 40 outfits for a 10 day trip? Only if you're a celeb. :)

Do you have any long flights coming up?

xoxo ela

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