I've always stared at people's Instagram photos and was dying for a piece of clothing they were wearing or even wanted to recreate the whole outfit on myself. They FINALLY invented a way for you to find out where to buy the clothes and/or similar items and I've incorporated into my own blog as well! If you're ever wondering what I'm wearing in any of my instagrams, I've dedicated a page to just that. It's in the shop section and here is a direct link to go there. I'll update it often so you can find all the info you need right there and when you click on the item of clothing, it will take you directly to the site you can buy or view it online. In the event that the exact item I'm wearing isn't listed on the site I use, then I will tag similar pieces for you. If I did a blog post on the outfit, you can probably find the exact item there. I also will put some cheaper options in there and also pricier ones because I don't spend all my money at Saks sadly. :) Below is a few examples of photos and how it works. If you click on each image, scroll down and it shows you where I bought it or a similar item.
NEW UPDATE: my most recent insta post from today 8/10 that is on SHOPMYINSTA will feature which of the items I linked are the exact items I'm wearing. Amazing.