This coat is seriously exactly what the title says. It just cuddles you up and is so comfortable! I love the white t-shirt I got from Zara too which is so cute with the little fringe detail. Such a casual but chic outfit.
On to BBG! I am on week 4 and I love it so far. I already lost an inch on my hips! I love that it's only 28 minute workouts 4 times a week and then the other days you just do cardio, which I do 30 minutes on the elliptical. I need to eat better to see better results but I love how strong I feel. The other day was my first day incorporating weights and it felt so good/ a bit hard.
Insider Secret: This is the first time I had taken photos on a different camera and I'm still learning! Now I know I can't blow up ISO because my pictures will be grainy. You live and you learn! I also just bought a Canon lens 50MM F/1.8 for my Canon Rebel T3 and am so excited to be able to take and edit my own photos. It's going to be a learning experience but it's fun to challenge myself.
Speaking of...don’t forget to watch my insta stories for the behind the scenes of my everyday:)

xox ela