What a weekend! Saturday Colin and my brother shared a U-haul from the city to the burbs and finally moved in. I didn't help in the city because I had m BFF's bridal shower but I made these Lavendar Sugar Scrubs (which will be posted Thursday) as the favors. I just can't get over Colin thinking it's ok to lay out all his shoes next to my bed. Doesn't seem too pleasant! haha. But don't worry... I vlogged all weekend so subscribe to my Youtube Channel to make sure you see when the video is uploaded.
I've been wanting black pants with a red stripe for a while now. I thought these were a great pair and I loved pairing it with something grundgy like a leather jacket. Also wearing my favorite knockoff sunglasses of Le Specs from Amazon and my favorite Stan Smith shoes. I literally re wear these shoes wayyyy too much so I just got the all white ones.
Photos are taken on a Canon Rebel T3 with a Canon lens 50MM F/1.8.
Speaking of...don’t forget to watch my insta stories for the behind the scenes of my everyday and I also buy a lot of pieces off Amazon for cheaper- here's my favorites from there!

Wearing: Leather Jacket | Tee | Pants | Shoes | Sunglasses | Purse
xox ela