I just realized that I'll be in Poland and Positano, Italy in just about 5 weeks! I can't wait!! Colin is coming and it's his first time in Poland. My whole dad's side of the family still lives there and we have a house to stay in so it's a very family filled trip. I'll also be a Godmother and will be attending a Christening while we're there! I just am so excited and can't stop thinking about it!
Subscribe to my Youtube Channel to make sure you see all the fun times and definitely Colin's thoughts of the farm life in Poland :)
Now the outfit....a casual chic outfit that I'd totally wear to work! Loving my leather jacket (that I overwear) and these metallic oxfords! I've been in the mood of just pairing basics with all different types of looks and switching it up. It's totally more cost efficient to buy basics that will match with everything and that's what I'm going to try to more of this summer.
Photos are taken on a Canon Rebel T3 with a Canon lens 50MM F/1.8.
Speaking of...don’t forget to watch my insta stories for the behind the scenes of my everyday and I also buy a lot of pieces off Amazon for cheaper- here's my favorites from there!

Wearing: Leather Jacket | Tee | Skirt | Sunglasses | Purse | Shoes
xox ela