I can't believe it's been 1 year since painting my cabinets and countertops! I painted the countertops and backsplash last August and then painted the cabinets last October. I'm amazed at how good it still looks after all this time has went on and I wanted to show you all the pros and cons and our experience thus far.
When we initially decided to paint the cabinets we wanted to do as little work as possible so we chose to use Beyond Paint in White which requires NO STRIPING, NO SANDING, NO PRIMING. Um.. amazing! We did the white on the top cabinets and then we did stain our bottom cabinets a darker brown. I saw a cool photo on Pinterest with a two toned kitchen so we tried it out and love it! FYI for the bottom cabinets we DID have to sand to apply the stain.
To see more details how I painted all the different areas I linked them right here and videos are at the end of the post.
With the holidays coming up and this not taking too long to complete, it's the perfect time to do it. It took us maybe 2-3 days to complete the countertops and 3 days to do the cabinets. Who wouldn't want a beautiful bright kitchen to wow your guests!?

AND after a couple months of the painted kitchen, we decided to get new appliances after 20 some years! It has made such an added difference and our fridge has soo much more room!
Below are more pictures from this past week and then I included some photos of the little imperfections we're come across after a year.
I do want to stress that I wouldn't say we've taken care of our cabinets or countertop as we should BUT whats awesome as that we can correct the imperfections with just a little bit of spot treatment with the paint. If we see a knick, then we are able to fix it right away and let it just dry overnight or just for a couple hours. I wanted to be very honest in this update and wanted to show you just how it wears after one year.
The cabinets have stayed pretty much the same since the first day after painting but the only differences is that we had a tall vase for our spoons and those metal spoons scratched the very bottom of the top cabinet. Now, that could have been SO prevented. If you take care of your kitchen, these will last you SO long. All we have to do now if just spot treat the knicks and we're back to looking brand new! Otherwise we haven't seen any discoloration or fading. They've been such a great addition to our kitchen and makes it look so much brighter and aesthetically pleasing.
The countertops have stayed pretty much the same as well other than a couple knicks. We used Giani for painting those. My parents and I cook A LOT so we always have pots and pans and cooking supplies on the countertop so if we took better care of it and put those on cutting boards or protection of some sort, then we could have avoided the knicks. Since I slaved my ass to paint it, I take care of it as much as I can but not everyone in the house helped paint the countertops so they don't have much of a protection instinct as I do. :) We did spot treat the countertop corner by the sink recently because that wore off a bit.

a little knick above

near the sink where we spot treated this area with the same white limestone paint

the cabinet knick from our vase

the cabinets that we use often have the paint scraping off the hinges but this is easily fixed with spot treating it

this hinge is fine because we don't use this cabinet as much
All in all, I would TOTALLY do this again and my whole family agrees. We love how bright it made the room, how modern, and how little it cost us! Make sure to head to my other blog posts listed above to learn how to DIY your own kitchen like this and I hope this helped you all! SO WORTH IT!
Now go start before your guests arrive for the holidays!! :)
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To purchase Beyond Paint other than from the links above, you can shop at a participating Ace Hardware store or on Acehardware.com or other online retailers here: http://beyondpaint.com/where-to-buy-2/
To learn more about these products visit: Beyondpaint.com
Thank you to Beyond Paint for sponsoring this blog post!
Unrelated but we just remodeled our dream house so if you are interested: I also have posts on our kitchen, heated floors, powder bath, wood floors, lights, motorized blinds, and laundry.
Most of my photos have been edited with my presets
You can follow all our home reno youtube videos here
All my home reno blog posts are here
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xoxo ela