My friend decided to have her Bachelorette party in New Buffalo, Michigan which was so nice because it was only 1.5 hour drive from Chicago! Here's the link for the house, it was so cute - 5 minute drive from the casino, 6 minute walk to Oinks Ice Cream and 14 min walk to The Stray Dog! If you've never used Airbnb this link will give you $40 off a home rental. Below is what we did each day!
We drove up after work pretty late and when we got there we just made pizzas, drank, relaxed, danced, had a blast, opened our goodie bags, etc :)
We had a reservation made for Round Barn Winery at 3 PM so in the morning we made breakfast, played a game where the groom films a video beforehand of him answering questions and then the bride has to see if she got them right (it's my favorite game ever, hint hint my bridesmaids.) We then did some masks, got ready and drove to Round Barn. Now if you are planning to go to New Buffalo, keep in mind that uber does not exist... well it does but there are no drivers. SO you have to call cab companies (we just googled them) and they will charge you $5 a person even if its .5 mile away. Sucks but still not too bad price wise. The winery was 30 minutes away and we had some of the moms drive since we didn't want to deal with a taxi. We sat in this large booth and got to try 5 different wines (you can switch between white and red if you want) and he also brought us out a mint chocolate chip shot which was freaking amazing and I bought a bottle to take home haha. I also bought Weekend White Wine, and Edel Doux which were my favorite whites. We got to brink our own wine and cheese boards which was AMAZING. I am now such a fan of those... yeah i never liked them. so weird. After the winery we hit up another one called Tabor Hill and they had a lot champagne there as well and white and red. After Tabor Hill we stopped at Oinks, a popular ice cream shop, then went home and relaxed. We ordered food in and made more pizza's and then went to Four Winds casino which reminded me so much of Vegas haha. I bet $20 on black, broke even, and left the table haha.
Sunday we left!! :(


Had such a blast and can't wait to go back!
Unrelated but we just remodeled our dream house so if you are interested: I also have posts on our kitchen, heated floors, powder bath, wood floors, lights, motorized blinds, and laundry.
Most of my photos have been edited with my presets
You can follow all our home reno youtube videos here
All my home reno blog posts are here
Don't forget to check out my Amazon Page that lists all my favorites on there- clothing, bathing suits, beauty products and more.
xoxo ela